Daniel Ionescu , PCWorld Sep 23, 2010 8:54 pm Welcome Droid X owners to the mobile world of Adobe Flash on a smartphone - the world Steve Jobs doesn't want you to see . This week Motorola Droid X joins a small but growing club of devices running Android 2.2 (aka Froyo ). The biggest improvement delivered by Android 2.2 is support for Adobe Flash Player 10.1 for smartphones. Before Android 2.2, surfing Flash-enhanced sites on a mobile phone was a limited experience only available to a couple of Nokia phones. But now, with Froyo running on around 30 percent of all Android phones, by Google's own estimates that is, we are just starting to get the taste of Flash on smartphones. For many the addition of Flash is a big deal, but the next question is what's there to do now? Sadly, because Flash for Android smartphones is so new there are few Flash sites optimised for the platform that take into considerations sm...